A downloadable game

Incomplete, as of the Lisp Game Jam but source code is available: https://github.com/azimut/incandescent/tree/448bd5f2e71feef5776c71e04800b51f512c...

All there is done is 5secs of action, you wake up find a radio, a monster and a book. That's it.

WASD   - for displacement
QE     - for tilting
arrows - for rotations
shift  - for running
ctrl   - for slow walking
r      - pick up item

Will try to push a binary upload for linux, no code change, but if you want to run it, download the source above AND cepl.fond, then on slime:

(ql:quickload :incandescent/renderman)

(in-package :incandescent)


(play :start)

May be continued.

Development log

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